InstEtch: Android Stencil Editor for Bluetooth Glass Etching

InstEtch: Android Stencil Editor for Bluetooth Glass Etching

InstEtch is a cutting-edge Android application designed to enhance the glass etching experience through a seamless stencil creation and printing process. Developed to interface with Bluetooth-enabled monochrome printers, InstEtch serves as a pivotal tool for both hobbyists and professionals in the art of glass etching.

Project Tasks

  • Key Features

    Intuitive stencil editor to facilitate easy design and modification. Compatibility with various image formats for versatile design import. Advanced image optimization and AI enhancements. Bluetooth integration for wireless communication with etching printers. Real-time preview and editing capabilities for meticulous design accuracy.

  • Android Development

    Developing InstEtch involved leveraging Android's Bluetooth API to encode images and wireless transmission to printers. This process, built upon an existing Android code, presented unique challenges in integrating Bluetooth for binary image transmission, which were successfully navigated to streamline the app's functionality.

Project Details

InstEtch is a cutting-edge Android application designed to enhance the glass etching experience through a seamless stencil creation and printing process.

  • “Taking over an Android app midway through development is no small feat, especially one as intricate as transmitting stencils to a Bluetooth printer for glass etching. Yet, Siteflex LLC managed it masterfully. They not only picked up where the previous developer left off but enhanced and refined the app with precision. Every glass etching stands as a testament to their dedication and expertise in navigating such challenges. A heartfelt thank you to the Siteflex team for seamlessly turning a challenge into a success.”

    Matt Holloway